Source code for notdiamond.llms.config

import logging
from typing import Optional

from notdiamond import settings
from notdiamond.exceptions import UnsupportedLLMProvider

POSSIBLE_PROVIDERS = list(settings.PROVIDERS.keys())
    for provider_values in settings.PROVIDERS.values()
    for values in provider_values.values()
    if isinstance(values, list)
    for model in values

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LLMConfig: """ A NotDiamond LLM provider config (or LLMConfig) is represented by a combination of provider and model. Provider refers to the company of the foundational model, such as openai, anthropic, google. The model represents the model name as defined by the owner company, such as gpt-3.5-turbo Beside this you can also specify the API key for each provider, specify extra arguments that are also supported by Langchain (eg. temperature), and a system prmopt to be used with the provider. If the provider is selected during routing, then the system prompt will be used, replacing the one in the message array if there are any. All supported providers and models can be found in our docs. If the API key it's not specified, it will try to pick it up from an .env file before failing. As example for OpenAI it will look for OPENAI_API_KEY. Attributes: provider (str): The name of the LLM provider (e.g., "openai", "anthropic"). Must be one of the predefined providers in `POSSIBLE_PROVIDERS`. model (str): The name of the LLM model to use (e.g., "gpt-3.5-turbo"). Must be one of the predefined models in `POSSIBLE_MODELS`. system_prompt (Optional[str], optional): The system prompt to use for the provider. Defaults to None. api_key (Optional[str], optional): The API key for accessing the LLM provider's services. Defaults to None, in which case it tries to fetch from the settings. openrouter_model (str): The OpenRouter model equivalent for this provider / model **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that might be necessary for specific providers or models. Raises: UnsupportedLLMProvider: If the `provider` or `model` specified is not supported. """
[docs] def __init__( self, provider: str, model: str, is_custom: bool = False, system_prompt: Optional[str] = None, context_length: Optional[int] = None, input_price: Optional[float] = None, output_price: Optional[float] = None, latency: Optional[float] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """_summary_ Args: provider (str): The name of the LLM provider (e.g., "openai", "anthropic"). model (str): The name of the LLM model to use (e.g., "gpt-3.5-turbo"). is_custom (bool): Whether this is a custom model. Defaults to False. system_prompt (Optional[str], optional): The system prompt to use for the provider. Defaults to None. context_length (Optional[int], optional): Custom context window length for the provider/model. input_price (Optional[float], optional): Custom input price (USD) per million tokens for provider/model. output_price (Optional[float], optional): Custom output price (USD) per million tokens for provider/model. latency (Optional[float], optional): Custom latency (time to first token) for provider/model. api_key (Optional[str], optional): The API key for accessing the LLM provider's services. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that might be necessary for specific providers or models. Raises: UnsupportedLLMProvider: If the `provider` or `model` specified is not supported. """ if is_custom: self._openrouter_model = None self.api_key = api_key else: if provider not in POSSIBLE_PROVIDERS: raise UnsupportedLLMProvider( f"Given LLM provider {provider} is not in the list of supported providers." ) if model not in POSSIBLE_MODELS: raise UnsupportedLLMProvider( f"Given LLM model {model} is not in the list of supported models." ) self._openrouter_model = settings.PROVIDERS[provider][ "openrouter_identifier" ].get(model, None) self.api_key = ( api_key if api_key is not None else settings.PROVIDERS[provider]["api_key"] ) self.provider = provider self.model = model self.system_prompt = system_prompt self.is_custom = is_custom self.context_length = context_length self.input_price = input_price self.output_price = output_price self.latency = latency self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.provider}/{self.model}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"LLMConfig({self.provider}/{self.model})" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LLMConfig): return ( self.provider == other.provider and self.model == other.model ) return False def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) @property def openrouter_model(self): if self._openrouter_model is None: LOGGER.warning( f"Configured model {str(self)} is not available via OpenRouter. Please try another model." ) return self._openrouter_model
[docs] def prepare_for_request(self): """ Converts the LLMConfig object to a dict in the format accepted by the NotDiamond API. Returns: dict """ return { "provider": self.provider, "model": self.model, "is_custom": self.is_custom, "context_length": self.context_length, "input_price": self.input_price, "output_price": self.output_price, "latency": self.latency, }
[docs] def set_api_key(self, api_key: str) -> "LLMConfig": self.api_key = api_key return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, llm_provider: str): """ We allow our users to specify LLM providers for NotDiamond in the string format 'provider_name/model_name', as example 'openai/gpt-3.5-turbo'. Underlying our workflows we want to ensure we use LLMConfig as the base type, so this class method converts a string specification of an LLM provider into an LLMConfig object. Args: llm_provider (str): this is the string definition of the LLM provider Returns: LLMConfig: initialized object with correct provider and model """ split_items = llm_provider.split("/") if len(split_items) not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError( f"Expected string of format 'provider/model' or 'prefix/provider/model' but got {llm_provider}" ) elif len(split_items) == 3: _, provider, model = split_items else: provider = split_items[0] model = split_items[1] return cls(provider=provider, model=model)