import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
import aiohttp
import requests
from notdiamond import settings
from notdiamond._utils import _default_headers, convert_tool_to_openai_function
from notdiamond.llms.config import LLMConfig
from notdiamond.metrics.metric import Metric
from notdiamond.types import ModelSelectRequestPayload
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def model_select_prepare(
messages: List[Dict[str, str]],
llm_configs: List[LLMConfig],
metric: Metric,
notdiamond_api_key: str,
max_model_depth: int,
hash_content: bool,
tradeoff: Optional[str] = None,
preference_id: Optional[str] = None,
tools: Optional[Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Callable]]] = [],
previous_session: Optional[str] = None,
nd_api_url: Optional[str] = settings.NOTDIAMOND_API_URL,
_user_agent: str = settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
This is the core method for the model_select endpoint.
It returns the best fitting LLM to call and a session ID that can be used for feedback.
messages (List[Dict[str, str]]): list of messages to be used for the LLM call
llm_configs (List[LLMConfig]): a list of available LLMs that the router can decide from
metric (Metric): metric based off which the router makes the decision. As of now only 'accuracy' supported.
notdiamond_api_key (str): API key generated via the NotDiamond dashboard.
max_model_depth (int): if your top recommended model is down, specify up to which depth of routing you're willing to go.
hash_content (Optional[bool]): Flag for hashing content before sending to NotDiamond API.
tradeoff (Optional[str], optional): Define the "cost" or "latency" tradeoff
for the router to determine the best LLM for a given query.
preference_id (Optional[str], optional): The ID of the router preference that was configured via the Dashboard.
Defaults to None.
previous_session (Optional[str], optional): The session ID of a previous session, allow you to link requests.
async_mode (bool, optional): whether to run the request in async mode. Defaults to False.
nd_api_url (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the NotDiamond API. Defaults to None.
tuple(url, payload, headers): returns data to be used for the API call of modelSelect
url = f"{nd_api_url}/v2/modelRouter/modelSelect"
tools_dict = get_tools_in_openai_format(tools)
payload: ModelSelectRequestPayload = {
"messages": messages,
"llm_providers": [
llm_provider.prepare_for_request() for llm_provider in llm_configs
"metric": metric.metric,
"max_model_depth": max_model_depth,
"hash_content": hash_content,
if tools_dict:
payload["tools"] = tools_dict
if tradeoff is not None:
payload["tradeoff"] = tradeoff
if preference_id is not None:
payload["preference_id"] = preference_id
if previous_session is not None:
payload["previous_session"] = previous_session
headers = _default_headers(notdiamond_api_key, _user_agent)
return url, payload, headers
def model_select_parse(response_code, response_json, llm_configs):
if response_code == 200:
providers = response_json["providers"]
session_id = response_json["session_id"]
top_provider = providers[0]
best_llm = list(
lambda x: (x.model == top_provider["model"])
& (x.provider == top_provider["provider"]),
return best_llm, session_id
error_message = response_json["detail"]
LOGGER.error(f"API error: {response_code}. {error_message}")
return None, "NO-SESSION-ID"
def model_select(
messages: List[Dict[str, str]],
llm_configs: List[LLMConfig],
metric: Metric,
notdiamond_api_key: str,
max_model_depth: int,
hash_content: bool,
tradeoff: Optional[str] = None,
preference_id: Optional[str] = None,
tools: Optional[Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Callable]]] = [],
previous_session: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 60,
max_retries: Optional[int] = 3,
nd_api_url: Optional[str] = settings.NOTDIAMOND_API_URL,
_user_agent: str = settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
This endpoint receives the prompt and routing settings, and makes a call to the NotDiamond API.
It returns the best fitting LLM to call and a session ID that can be used for feedback.
messages (List[Dict[str, str]]): list of messages to be used for the LLM call
llm_configs (List[LLMConfig]): a list of available LLMs that the router can decide from
metric (Metric): metric based off which the router makes the decision. As of now only 'accuracy' supported.
notdiamond_api_key (str): API key generated via the NotDiamond dashboard.
max_model_depth (int): if your top recommended model is down, specify up to which depth of routing you're willing to go.
hash_content (Optional[bool]): Flag for hashing content before sending to NotDiamond API.
tradeoff (Optional[str], optional): Define the "cost" or "latency" tradeoff
for the router to determine the best LLM for a given query.
preference_id (Optional[str], optional): The ID of the router preference that was configured via the Dashboard.
Defaults to None.
previous_session (Optional[str], optional): The session ID of a previous session, allow you to link requests.
timeout (int, optional): timeout for the request. Defaults to 60.
max_retries (int, optional): The maximum number of retries to make when calling the Not Diamond API.
Defaults to 3.
nd_api_url (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the NotDiamond API. Defaults to None.
tuple(LLMConfig, string): returns a tuple of the chosen LLMConfig to call and a session ID string.
In case of an error the LLM defaults to None and the session ID defaults
url, payload, headers = model_select_prepare(
for n_retry in range(1, max_retries + 1):
response =
url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, timeout=timeout
response_code = response.status_code
response_json = response.json()
except Exception as e:
f"Retry {n_retry} of {max_retries}: API error: {e}",
if n_retry == max_retries:
return None, "NO-SESSION-ID"
best_llm, session_id = model_select_parse(
response_code, response_json, llm_configs
return best_llm, session_id
async def amodel_select(
messages: List[Dict[str, str]],
llm_configs: List[LLMConfig],
metric: Metric,
notdiamond_api_key: str,
max_model_depth: int,
hash_content: bool,
tradeoff: Optional[str] = None,
preference_id: Optional[str] = None,
tools: Optional[Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Callable]]] = [],
previous_session: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 60,
max_retries: Optional[int] = 3,
nd_api_url: Optional[str] = settings.NOTDIAMOND_API_URL,
_user_agent: str = settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
This endpoint receives the prompt and routing settings, and makes a call to the NotDiamond API.
It returns the best fitting LLM to call and a session ID that can be used for feedback.
messages (List[Dict[str, str]]): list of messages to be used for the LLM call
llm_configs (List[LLMConfig]): a list of available LLMs that the router can decide from
metric (Metric): metric based off which the router makes the decision. As of now only 'accuracy' supported.
notdiamond_api_key (str): API key generated via the NotDiamond dashboard.
max_model_depth (int): if your top recommended model is down, specify up to which depth of routing you're willing to go.
hash_content (Optional[bool]): Flag for hashing content before sending to NotDiamond API.
tradeoff (Optional[str], optional): Define the "cost" or "latency" tradeoff
for the router to determine the best LLM for a given query.
preference_id (Optional[str], optional): The ID of the router preference that was configured via the Dashboard.
Defaults to None.
previous_session (Optional[str], optional): The session ID of a previous session, allow you to link requests.
timeout (int, optional): timeout for the request. Defaults to 60.
max_retries (int, optional): The maximum number of retries to make when calling the Not Diamond API.
nd_api_url (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the NotDiamond API. Defaults to None.
tuple(LLMConfig, string): returns a tuple of the chosen LLMConfig to call and a session ID string.
In case of an error the LLM defaults to None and the session ID defaults
url, payload, headers = model_select_prepare(
for n_retry in range(1, max_retries + 1):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with
) as response:
response_code = response.status
response_json = await response.json()
except Exception as e:
f"Retry {n_retry} of {max_retries}: API error: {e}",
if n_retry == max_retries:
return None, "NO-SESSION-ID"
best_llm, session_id = model_select_parse(
response_code, response_json, llm_configs
return best_llm, session_id
def report_latency(
session_id: str,
llm_config: LLMConfig,
tokens_per_second: float,
notdiamond_api_key: str,
nd_api_url: Optional[str] = settings.NOTDIAMOND_API_URL,
_user_agent: str = settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
This method makes an API call to the NotDiamond server to report the latency of an LLM call.
It helps fine-tune our model router and ensure we offer recommendations that meet your latency expectation.
This feature can be disabled on the NDLLM class level by setting `latency_tracking` to False.
session_id (str): the session ID that was returned from the `invoke` or `model_select` calls, so we know which
router call your latency report refers to.
llm_provider (LLMConfig): specifying the LLM provider for which the latency is reported
tokens_per_second (float): latency of the model call calculated based on time elapsed, input tokens, and output tokens
notdiamond_api_key (str): NotDiamond API call used for authentication
nd_api_url (Optional[str], optional): The URL of the NotDiamond API. Defaults to None.
int: status code of the API call, 200 if it's success
ApiError: if the API call to the NotDiamond backend fails, this error is raised
url = f"{nd_api_url}/v2/report/metrics/latency"
payload = {
"session_id": session_id,
"provider": llm_config.prepare_for_request(),
"feedback": {"tokens_per_second": tokens_per_second},
headers = _default_headers(notdiamond_api_key, _user_agent)
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
f"API error for report metrics latency: {e}", exc_info=True
return 500
return response.status_code
def create_preference_id(
notdiamond_api_key: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
nd_api_url: Optional[str] = settings.NOTDIAMOND_API_URL,
_user_agent: str = settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
) -> str:
Create a preference id with an optional name. The preference name will appear in your
dashboard on Not Diamond.
url = f"{nd_api_url}/v2/preferences/userPreferenceCreate"
headers = _default_headers(notdiamond_api_key, _user_agent)
res =, headers=headers, json={"name": name})
if res.status_code == 200:
preference_id = res.json()["preference_id"]
raise Exception(f"Error creating preference ID: {res.text}")
return preference_id